Sunday, 1 January 2012

Empyrean Reignment II Review

Hi everyone, I wish you all a happy new year!

Its a new year and time for a new Review. Today I'm looking at the Empyrean Reignment II.

Empyrean Reignment II
When I first saw this pop up on the catalogue page I was ecstatic! I personally loved the previous version so my hopes were set high for this one. I bought the hat which is on sale for R$400 which I thought was pretty reasonable.

I equipped the hat along with a top hat expecting it to look legendary, the character loading screen was taking a while and I couldn't bare the wait. I went to one of my places to see what it looked like.

The place loaded, then the disappointment came. It didn't look anything like I expected. The top part of the crown is barely visible on the head and the wings are too close to the users body.

Overall I would say it looks alright but nowhere near as good as I hoped. I would recommend you get the previous version which is the Empyrean Reignment, this is better looking and cheaper.

Thanks for reading my Review!

Happy New Year!



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