Saturday 18 February 2012

A New ROBLOX Hacker Group WARNING!

A new hacker group has been taking accounts rapidly over the past few weeks! They call themselves the KHJR Crew or RATs Crew. This hack has gotten more than 300 accounts because this hack messages all of the person’s friends too, once they have been infected.

To get people’s accounts, this group PMs random ROBLOXians, like you, this message:
What this is; a basic LUA script generation program: Coded by the K.H.J.R. Crew. It can enhance your very places by allowing you an easy and fast doorway into LUA scripts. It’s abilities are limited only to your imagination; Enjoy.”

If you receive this message, DO NOT CLICK THE LINK THEY SEND YOU. This is how they get your account. Once you open the file they got you to download, it automatically sends the same message that you got to all of your friends. After this, you get banned for 7 days and they may have your password, and they may have even CHANGED it.

So, long story short. DO NOT DOWNLOAD ANYTHING FROM OUTSIDE SOURCES ON ROBLOX! This will save you from being hacked by this devious group. Remember to tell all of your friends about this so they don’t fall for it, too.

1 comment:

  1. Whats the group called? I need to know so that I know not to go into the message if I get it?
